7:15 PM – Public Hearing for the purpose of considering a petition from Rogelio Galvez and Cielito Lindo LLC for a Special Permit to establish a year round food concession stand. This permit is required under Sections 2C-7(e) and 13C of the Gill Zoning Bylaws. This property is owned by Kenneth Kurtyka Jr and is located at 24 French King Highway, Assessors’ Map 101, Lot 27 in the Village-Commercial (VC) District.
Known Action Items:
Review/approve minutes & hearing records
Review mail/correspondence
Continue review of fees vs. expenses
Review & revise ZBA “Rules and Regulations”
Review/approve invoices
Review/schedule new applications – Site Plan Review filed on 3/2/20 by Flansburgh Architects on behalf of Northfield Mount Hermon School, related to construction of the Gilder Center for Integrative Math and Science (approx. 42,000 gross square feet)
Confirm schedule for April meeting
Discussion items:
Other Business:
Next regularly scheduled meeting: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at 7:00 PM