Board of Assessors
May 27, 2020
Wednesday, 5:30
This meeting is being conducted remotely by all participants
Due to the State of Emergency related to COVID-19 and under the
“Order suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting, G.L. c, 30A, s20”
Issued by Governor Baker on 3/12/2020.
Location: Teleconference - is being utilized for the teleconference. It is audio only. Anyone wishing to participate may call 712-775-7031 and then enter the Access Code of 883-045-865. The toll-free number is 844-800-5000 – the Town is charged by the minute per caller, so please use this only when necessary.”
Open Meeting Time_________________
Act on minutes of May 6, 2020
Motor Vehicle Abatements ( ) To be signed by Bill
Warrant #2, #3 Levy 2020 Motor Vehicle Excise
Budget adaptations for finalization
Exemptions for signature
McCabe Webinar-National Grid/New England Power request for extension
ATB Updates
Memorandum of Understanding
Data entry for GIS updates
Tax Payments, Abatement and Exemption applications deadlines moved to June 1st
Patriot Property….Invitation for Bid preparations and revisions
Continuation of data entry of past field visits
Job Description Draft-further review updates
FY2020 CAI mapping to be placed on web
Any business not known at the time of posting or offered by public participation needing immediate consideration.
Next Assessors’ meeting: June 3rd at 5:30 p.m.
Motion to Adjourn Time:___________________