This meeting is being conducted remotely by all participants due to the State of Emergency related to COVID-19 and under the “Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting, G.L. c. 30A, §20” issued by Governor Baker on 3/12/20. is being utilized for the teleconference. It is audio only. Anyone wishing to participate may call 712-775-7031 and then enter the Access Code of 883-045-865. The toll-free number is 844-800-5000 – the Town is charged by the minute per caller, so please use this only when necessary.
5:30 PM Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)
COVID-19 Topics
Updates from weekly conference call with Gill’s Emergency Management Team
June 22nd Town Election (Voting is Noon – 4 PM)
Appointments – Megan and Ella Bathory Peeler, 47 Mount Hermon Road, as election workers through 6/30/20
Request from Town Clerk to be allowed to appoint other election workers for this election
Request from Town Clerk to increase election worker pay to $12.75 per hour & to have Personnel Committee evaluate pay rates for future elections
Date for Annual Town Meeting and Discussion of a “One Twelfth” (month-to-month) Budget for July of FY21
Old Business
Review of Minutes from 5/26
New Business
Fire Dept. Purchase Order – Hose testing by Fail Safe Testing, $3,305 in early July
Highway Dept. Resignation – Bruce Dobias, effective June 15th
Highway Dept. Purchase Order – Wheel assembly for road sweeper - $1,931.57
***Highway Dept. Purchase Order – rear springs replacement for ’09 Sterling - $3,055.25
***Highway Dept. Paving Projects
Fire Dept. Driveway - $30,600 estimated, $32,000 Town funds already approved
River Road – chip seal 1.4 miles, approx.. $63,000 from Chapter 90 funds
Main Road – milling & paving 1.3 miles (from 196 Main to 325 Main), approx.. $181,000 from Chapter 90 funds
***Police Chief request for temporary increase in shift coverage
Request from Walker Widner/Fat Pig Inc. dba The Gill Tavern to temporarily amend the liquor license for 326 Main Road for expanded outdoor seating & service area
Sewer Abatement Request – Erica Masson, 2 Pine St., $511.84 for excessive reading due to broken water pipes
Offer of GEM Electric Car by Riverside Water District (given to RWD by Town in July 2014 with a first option for the Town in event of sale/disposal)
Other business as may arise after the agenda has been posted.
Public Service Announcements, if any
Warrants FY20 # 25 – reviewed & signed by the Chair on 5/27; Payroll $22,283.44, Vendors $19,765.62
FY20 # 26 – to be reviewed & signed by the Chair and reported on at the next meeting
(*** = item added after the 48 hour posting deadline)