Selectboard Meeting
Monday, September 14, 2020, 5:30 pm
Teleconference - access info in the agenda
This meeting is being conducted remotely by all participants due to the State of Emergency related to COVID-19 and under the “Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting, G.L. c. 30A, §20” issued by Governor Baker on 3/12/20. is being utilized for the teleconference. It is audio only. Anyone wishing to participate may call 712-775-7031 and then enter the Access Code of 883-045-865. The toll-free number is 844-800-5000 – the Town is charged by the minute per caller, so please use this only when necessary.
5:30 PM Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)
COVID-19 Topics
- Updates from Gill’s Emergency Management Team
Old Business
- Review of Minutes: 5/26, 6/8, 6/22, 7/6, 7/20, 8/3, 8/31, 9/9
- Adoption of 2020 Update to Hazard Mitigation Plan – plan was submitted to MEMA & FEMA on 3/11/20 for review. Review is completed and plan is “Approvable pending Adoption”
New Business
- Franklin County Emergency Communication System – Transition to Comm. of Mass Interoperable Radio System (CoMIRS) – Approve Memorandum of Agreement between FRCOG, Oversight Committee, and Town of Gill
- Tax Collection Software – recommend award to VADAR Systems (to be purchased using $25,124 Community Compact IT Grant awarded 1/8/20)
- Historical Commission – Conceptual request to make some outdoor space available at Riverside Building or elsewhere in Riverside for use related to a possible walking trail with a focus on present and future lives of Native Americans who live or lived in our area.
- Green Communities Grant Contract – accept awards and authorize to sign contract & related docs.
- $7,500 toward purchase of Electric Vehicle Charger (to be located at Riverside Building)
- $45,900 to install mini-splits at Town Hall
- Site Host Agreement with Eversource to locate & perform make-ready work (run the electrical connections) for EV Charger at Riverside Building – work done at no cost to Town through Eversource’s “Make-Ready EV Charging Infrastructure Program”
- Quotation from Advanced Energy Group for EV Charger, Installation, and Cloud Plan - $7,904.13 (purchase order will not be issued until after effective date of Green Communities grant contract)
- Other business as may arise after the agenda has been posted.
- Public Service Announcements, if any
- Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day – Saturday, Sept 26th @ GCC Main Campus, pre-registration required by September 18th.
FY21 #5 Vendors ($52,628.08) & Payroll ($22,938.53) – reviewed & signed by the Chair on 9/1
FY21 #6 – to be reviewed & signed by the Chair and reported on at the next meeting
Gill Selectboard 2020-09-14 Agenda with files (2020-09-11 at 5:07 PM)