This meeting is being conducted remotely by all participants due to the State of Emergency related to COVID-19 and under the “Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting, G.L. c. 30A, §20” issued by Governor Baker on 3/12/20. is being utilized for the teleconference. It is audio only. Anyone wishing to participate may call 712-775-7031 and then enter the Access Code of 883-045-865. The toll-free number is 844-800-5000 – the Town is charged by the minute per caller, so please use this only when necessary.
5:30 PM Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)
COVID-19 Topics
Updates from Gill’s Emergency Management Team
CARES Act Funding – Round 2 request (covering 7/1/20 – 12/30/20) for eligible, unbudgeted Town COVID-related expenses, Cooperative Public Health (already voted 6/22/20), and a transfer of funds to Gill-Montague Regional School District for HVAC upgrades & air purifiers at Gill Elementary and TFHS/GFMS
Grant Award – MassDOT Shared Streets & Spaces - $22,022.56 for pedestrian safety improvements in Gill Center (radar speed signs, painted crosswalks, painted lane edge lines, reconfiguration of River Rd intersection)
Student Opportunity Act – public comment period, deadline October 16th – topics include “the equity, predictability and accuracy of the method of determining each municipality's ability to contribute toward education funding and the calculation of each municipality's required local contribution,” as well as how targets are set for required contributions, how Proposition 2 ½ interacts with those requirements, and how the cap at 82.5 percent of foundation impacts the distribution of required contributions across municipalities. Comments accepted by online survey:
Energy Commission Request for Selectboard to send letter to Mass. House & Senate Climate Bill Conference Committee with support or concerns on House and Senate Climate Bills (H.4933 and S.2500), similar to 9/18/20 letter sent by City of Newton
New Business
Highway Purchase Order - $9,010 (+/-) to Hi-Way Safety Systems for center and side line painting on Main, West Gill, and Boyle Roads
Fire Department Purchase Orders
Four LED headlights for Engine 2 - $1,300 to 413 Upfitting
Resignation – Scott Nicholas from the Fire Department effective 9/25/20
Sewer Commitment #2021-001: $49,528.74, bill date of 10/14/20
Review & Sign Warrant for 11/3 Presidential Election (vote by mail has begun, early in-person voting starts 10/17, info on website)
Appoint Elections Workers thru June 30, 2021: Robin Paris, 394 Main Rd; Cristin Carpenter, 103 N Cross Rd; Maryanne Gallagher, 144 River Rd
Gill Tavern – Request to extend approval of liquor license’s expanded outdoor table service from 11/1/20 to 60 days after the end of the Governor’s state of emergency
Other business as may arise after the agenda has been posted.
Public Service Announcements, if any
Warrants FY21 #7 Vendors ($85,517.96) & Payroll ($22,590.16) – reviewed & signed by the Chair on 9/29
FY21 #8 – to be reviewed & signed by the Chair and reported on at the next meeting