Tuesday, May 17, 2016, 5:30 pm
Gill Town Hall, 325 Main Road
5:30 PM Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)
Election of Chair & Clerk
Appoint Representative to Personnel Committee (currently Randy Crochier)
Appoint Representative to FRCOG (currently John Ward)
Appoint Representative to FRTA (currently John Ward, and Ray as alternate)
5:30 PM Turners Falls Schuetzen Verein – questions about police detail required on Route 2 for Car Cruise events as a condition of Public Gathering Permit
5:45 PM Multi-Agency Coordination Center to assist, coordinate, & facilitate emergency management operations – Dan Nietchse, FRCOG Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
6:00 PM Public Hearing regarding the renewal of the cable television license of Comcast of Massachusetts/Virginia, Inc
Old Business
New Business
Warrants: FY 16 #24
Gill Selectboard 2016-05-17 Agenda (2017-06-15 at 9:00 AM)
Gill Selectboard 2016-05-17 Minutes (2017-06-15 at 9:00 AM)