5:30 PM Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)
5:30 PMJan Ameen, Franklin County Solid Waste Management District – Services Provided by and Available from District
Old Business
Review of Minutes of 10/16/17 and Record of Meeting for 10/3/17 & 10/17/17
Project Updates
Sewer I&I Study
Gill Elementary Well
Mariamante Property & Community Solar
Annual Reports
French King Bridge Surveillance Cameras
Town of Gill – 225th in 2018
MIIA Risk Management Grant Applications
$1,346.31 for backup camera systems for Engine 2 and Rescue Van
$3,222.78 for building security cameras for Public Safety Complex
Community Compact Program for FY18
Public Accessibility Best Practice - ADA Self-Evaluation & Transition Plan
Information Technologies Best Practices (Business Continuity) - Review of I.T. Systems
New Business
Amy Gordon – ACT Program – use of Town Hall earlier in the year
Gill Historical Commission – listing of Riverside Village Historic District on National Register of Historic Places
Highway Department
PO Request for 2 rear tires for backhoe ($700-1400 per tire, depending on tread pattern)
On Call Snow Plow Drivers
Fire Department
PO Request for SCBA Gear ($118,627 from AFG grant, and 25,896 from NMH Donations - $5,931 Town 5% match and $19,965 Town contribution)
Replacement of Fire Vehicles
New ISO rating for Town, now 5/5Y, was 6/9 (improved one level)
Upper Pioneer Valley Veterans’ Services District – 3-yr renewal of intermunicipal agreement for FY19, 20, 21
Cable Committee - PO Request for microphones, camera, tripod, cables
Public Service Announcements, if any
Other business as may arise after the agenda has been posted.
Executive Session: The purpose of the executive session is to conduct contract negotiations with non-union personnel, i.e. contract for police chief.
Take roll-call vote to enter executive session
Announce the meeting will reconvene in open session
Executive Session: The purpose of the executive session is to comply with, or act under the authority of, any general or special law or federal grant-in-aid requirements, i.e. to comply with MGL Chapter 214 Section 1B “Right of Privacy of a Person”
Take roll-call vote to enter executive session
Announce the meeting will reconvene in open session