5:30 PM Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)
Old Business
Review of Minutes of 11/13/17 & 11/27/17 & 12/6/17
Project Updates
Sewer I&I Study
Gill Elementary Well
Mariamante Property & Community Solar
Annual Reports
French King Bridge Surveillance Cameras
Town of Gill – 225th in 2018 – Appointments to Planning Committee, Event Updates
New Business
Highway Department
Vacation Request 12/26 – 12/28
Project Updates
Fire Department – Repairs to Engine 2
Police Department – Funding Request for 3 Mobile Data Terminals, $15,094
Gill Elementary
Alarm Panel – Upgrade requested for $1,100
Renewal or Termination of Siemens Energy Management Services Agreement
FirstLight Relicensing - Application to FERC expected in 30-60 days; does Town want to file a Motion to Intervene?
Hoe Shop Road Land Donation by Franklin Land Trust – next steps
Shared Human Resource Program Opportunity through FRCOG
Public Service Announcements, if any
Applications available for 2018-19 Fred W. Wells Scholarship Fund
Other business as may arise after the agenda has been posted.
Executive Session: The purpose of the executive session is to discuss deployment of or strategy regarding security devices, i.e. fire apparatus
Take roll-call vote to enter executive session
Announce if the meeting will reconvene in open session
Executive Session: The purpose of the executive session is to comply with, or act under the authority of, any general or special law or federal grant-in-aid requirements, i.e. to review, approve, and classify minutes of Executive Sessions from 9/25/17 (2 sessions), 10/16/17, and 10/30/17 (2 sessions) in order to comply with the Open Meeting Law and MGL Chapter 4 Section 7, Clause 26 “Public Records”
Take roll-call vote to enter executive session
Announce if the meeting will reconvene in open session