Monday, June 7, 2021, 5:30 pm Town Hall 2nd Floor A meeting of the Selectboard
Location: Gill Town Hall, 2nd Floor
Face coverings required if not fully vaccinated for COVID-19
5:30 PM Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)
COVID-19 Topics
Updates from Gill’s Emergency Management Team
Recommendation to end Gill’s State of Emergency effective June 15th 12:01 AM (concurrent with lifting of the State’s emergency declaration)
Old Business
Review of Minutes
Gill Elementary School Floor Replacement Project – report on any new information or updates
New Business
Highway Department topics
Purchase order for $$2,585.02 to CN Wood to replace rear fenders on 2010 Komatsu loader
Declaration of surplus equipment: two (2) plows from the 70s, 2005 Tenco sander, three (3) oil-and-stone boxes
Town Meeting article to repurpose $10,000 for repair of a snow plow to also include purchase of a new snow plow (originally voted 6/19/2018 town meeting)
2021 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) competitive grant application (deadline is June 22, 2021)
Town Meeting article to accept Massachusetts General Law c. 64N, § 3 to impose an excise (a.k.a. local option sales tax) on the retail sales of marijuana for adult use at the rate of 3 percent (maximum allowed)
Debt exclusion questions for July 12th ballot election
Juneteenth holiday – new Massachusetts legal holiday June 19th – municipal offices must be closed that day (or Monday when 6/19 is a Sunday); paid/unpaid is not addressed by state law that created the holiday
Request from Agricultural Commission to use Town Common & Town Hall for Autumn Festival, hopefully Saturday, September 25, 2021
Correspondence – David McGrath, possibility of sidewalk from Stoughton Place to Route 2
Other business as may arise after the agenda has been posted.
Public Service Announcements, if any
Warrants FY21 #24 Vendors ($49,041.14) & Payroll ($30,314.83) – reviewed & signed by Chair on 5/26/21
FY21 #25 – review & sign