Face coverings required if not fully vaccinated for COVID-19
5:30 PM Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)
Old Business
Review of Minutes
Gill Elementary School Floor Replacement Project – report on any new information or updates
New Business
Police & Fire Department Vehicle Acquisition - ideas for new cruiser and mini-pumper
Review and approve annual warrant for services to be performed by the Animal Control Officer
Invitation from FirstLight to participate with other stakeholders in a collaborative process to support a potential settlement on proposed and additional recreational improvements to be included in FirstLight’s license application to FERC
Discuss Selectboard interest in participating in the settlement process
Appoint representative
Discuss Town goals and priorities relevant to recreation and FirstLight’s license application
FirstLight announcement of two grant programs for Franklin County communities and 501c3 non-profit organizations – Climate Action Grant and Environmental Justice Grant
Other business as may arise after the agenda has been posted.
Public Service Announcements, if any
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day – Saturday, September 25th – save the date. Pre-registration starts in mid-August
Warrants FY22 #03 Vendors ($26,028.21) & Payroll ($24,650.78) – reviewed & signed on 8/2/21
FY22 #04 – review & sign