4:30 PM Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)
Election of Chair & Clerk
Appoint Representative to Personnel Committee (currently Randy Crochier)
Appoint Representative to FRCOG (currently Greg Snedeker)
Appoint Representative to Franklin Regional Planning Board (currently John Ward, with Greg Snedeker as alternate)
Appoint Representative to FRTA (currently Randy Crochier, and Ray as alternate)
Appoint Representative to Cable Advisory Committee (currently Charles Garbiel thru 6/30/22)
Appoint Representative to Capital Improvement Planning Committee (currently Greg Snedeker thru 6/30/2022)
Old Business
Review of Minutes from 3/28/22, 4/25/22, and 5/9/22
New Business
Quintus Allen Fund Request from Principal Lisa Desjarlais - $2,268 for freestanding netting behind the basketball hoops at Gill Elementary School
ARPA Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Relief Spending Plan
Consider Using $168,593 of ARPA Funding for Purchase of “Responder” Fire Truck for Fire Department, contingent upon Town Meeting and Debt Exclusion approval of other funds for the purchase
Consider Using $48,407 of ARPA Funding for Purchase of International CV515 for Highway Department, contingent upon Town Meeting approval of other funds for the purchase
Vote to Opt Out of Mosquito Spraying conducted by the State Reclamation & Mosquito Control Board and Review and Approval of Gill Alternative Mosquito Management Plan
Board of Health letter recommending the Town opt out from spraying activities
Consideration of any public comments
Other business as may arise after the agenda has been posted.
Public Service Announcements, if any
Memorial Day Services – Sunday, May 29th 9:30 at Gill Church and Veterans Monuments
FY22 #23 Vendors ($15,205.40) & Payroll ($22,898.26) – reviewed & signed on 5/9/22
FY22 #24 – review & sign