5:30 PM Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)
Old Business
Followup/Comments on correspondence from residents regarding Gill Police Department participation in regional grant providing a behavioral health clinician for co-response
Review of Minutes from 3/28/22, 4/25/22, 5/9/22, and 6/6/22
Outcome of June 21st Debt Exclusion Ballot Vote; Next Steps, if any.
New Business
Annual Appointments for Fiscal Year 2023, effective July 1, 2022
Proposal from FRCOG for Shared Legal Services for next phase of FirstLight’s FERC Relicensing - $20,000 approx cost, split between FRCOG ($10K) and 4 towns ($2,500 each)
Update to “Policy for Disposal of Surplus Equipment” (increase value limit from $5,000 to $10,000 to match current limit in Mass. General Law chapter 30B, section 15)
Confirm Date/Time for Pole Hearing requested by Eversource for new utility pole to provide service to garage at 12 West Gill Road – Tuesday, July 5th 5:30 PM ??
Other business as may arise after the agenda has been posted.
Public Service Announcements, if any
Earth Machine Compost Bins available at Town Hall for discounted price $25 each
FY22 #25 Vendors ($30,544.29) & Payroll ($27,061.90) – reviewed & signed on 6/6/22
FY22 #26 – review & sign