5:30 PM Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)
5:30 PMUtility Pole Hearing – Request by Eversource to install one pole at 42 Dole Road to provide electricity to a new home to be constructed
Old Business
Review of Minutes from 8/15/22
FirstLight Relicensing & Settlement Agreements – FirstLight has proposed to FERC all agreements will be finished by 12/31/22. Does the Selectboard want to send a letter to FERC regarding this new date?
New Business
Energy Commission – Updates regarding potential energy conservation projects at Public Safety Complex
October 1st deadline for Green Community grant application
Potential for Town contribution toward the projects
Vicky Jenkins – desire to explore ways for the Town to offer organics composting to residents
Fire Department topics
Declaration of surplus equipment – Genesis Jaws of Life equipment (jaws, spreaders, rams, gas-powered power unit, supply hose, 2 reels with 80 ft of hose)
Equipment Service Agreement with Fire Tech & Safety of New England for annual service on & quarterly breathing air quality tests on “Cascade” compressor & filling station
Sewer Abatement Requests
Jeff Suprenant, 25 Oak St – metered water to fill a spa, $89.49
Kurt Kwader, 61 Riverview Drive – metered water to fill a pool, $302.56
Appointment – Election Worker – Jo Ann Stafford, 181 Main Road through 6/30/23
Other business as may arise after the agenda has been posted.
Public Service Announcements, if any
Hazardous Waste Collection Day – Sat. Sept 24th. Pre-register by Sept. 16th