5:30 PM Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)
5:30 PMUtility Pole Hearing – Continuation of 8/29/22 hearing - Request by Eversource to relocate pole # 14/14 on Dole Road to provide electricity to a new home at 42 Dole Road
Old Business
Review of Minutes from 8/29/22
FirstLight Relicensing & Settlement Agreements – FirstLight has proposed to FERC all agreements will be finished by 12/31/22. Does the Selectboard want to send a letter to FERC regarding this new date?
New Business
Cemetery Commission – Project to straighten and re-set stones at West Gill Cemetery, estimated cost of $4,000 from Negus & Taylor Monuments; 50% of cost will be covered by a donation
Gary Stevens – Concerns regarding access to his property located on Back Road
Purchase Order – Negus & Taylor Monuments - $398 or $473 to cast a 10” bronze ribbon to add a name to one of the veterans’ memorials
Fire Department – request from Forester Menson for a 1-year leave of absence as a Firefighter
Other business as may arise after the agenda has been posted.
Fire Department - FEMA Grant Award from FFY2021 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) of $16,000 ($15,238.09 federal funds, $761.09 town match) for purchase of a LUCAS device (automatic chest compression device for CPR)
Plumbing Work at Riverside Building - $4,500 estimate to bypass basement toilet and sink fixtures to prevent (hopefully) future sewer backups in building