Location: Town Hall, 2nd floor meeting room, 325 Main Road, Gill
5:30 PM Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)
FY24 Annual Appointments – Christopher Hample as a Firefighter through 6/30/24
New Business
Application by Denise Elwell for a One Day Beer & Wine License on September 2, 2023 for daughter’s wedding reception at 231 West Gill Rd (former Oak Ridge Golf Course)
Memorandum of Understanding between Towns of Gill, Erving, Northfield, Montague and the FRCOG to hire a qualified consultant to provide technical assistance and expert testimony on erosion related to the Northfield Mountain and Turners Falls hydroelectric facilities relicensing. (Gill’s share is $2,500, approved at 6/20/23 meeting)
Appointment – Lynda Hodsdon Mayo as a Member of the Historical Commission through 6/30/26 (currently serving as an Alternate Member)
Request from Ag Commission for Town to donate one Earth Machine Backyard Compost Bin as a giveaway for the September 24th Gill Fall Harvest Festival
Other business as may arise after the agenda has been posted.
Northfield 350th Parade Committee letter
Public Service Announcements, if any
Trash & Recycling collection postponed to FRIDAY, July 7th due to holiday