Selectboard meeting

Monday, September 25, 2023, 5:30 pm
Gill Town Hall, 2nd Floor, 325 Main Road

Location: Town Hall, 2nd floor meeting room, 325 Main Road, Gill

5:30 PM Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)

Old Business

  • Review of Minutes: 8/29/22, 9/12/22, 10/11/22, 11/21/22, 12/5/22, 12/19/22, 1/30/23, 2/13, 2/27, 3/13, 3/28, 3/30, 4/10, 4/24, 5/8, 5/22, 6/5, 6/20, 7/3, 9/11
  • Municipal Aggregation of Electricity & proposed new guidelines from Mass. Dep’t of Public Utilities – possible letter from Selectboard and/or Energy Commission on proposed guidelines and possible letter to Gill legislative delegation for support of filed legislation bill H. 3852

New Business

  • Declaration of Surplus Equipment from Town Hall
    • Large assortment of “old” books; see attached list
  • Healey-Driscoll administration listening tour on “how the Commonwealth can continue strengthening its partnership with, and support of, our cities and towns”
  • Appointment - Erick Padillo as a firefighter through June 30, 2024
  • Other business as may arise after the agenda has been posted.
  • Public Service Announcements, if any
    • MA Community Health Equity Survey
  • Warrants
    FY24 #6 Vendors ($520,186.86) & Payroll ($41,208.04) – reviewed & signed on 9/11/23
    FY24 #7 – review & sign


Other Invitations/Meetings:





Mon 10/9

Columbus Day holiday

Tues 10/10

5:30 PM

Selectboard Meeting

Town Hall

Thus 10/12

11:00 AM

Reception for completion of French King Bridge safety barriers

French King Restaurant, Erving

Mon 10/23

5:30 PM

Selectboard Meeting

Town Hall

GILL REFERENCE & BOOK CONSOLIDATION: 8/8/23 - Proposed as "Surplus Equipment"

Type of Book: Years:

  1. Mass. Appeals Court Reports 1972 – 1991

2. Acts And Resolves of Mass. 1947, 1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1955, 1957-1959, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1967-1982

3. Mass. Reports (Supreme Court) 1870-1933, 1971-1980

4. Mass. Special Laws 1806-1804, 1822-1881, 1902-1908

5. Acts And Resolves of the 1692-1756

Province of Massachusetts Bay

6. Laws & Resolves of Massachusetts 1780-1787, 1804-1805

7. Acts & Resolves of The Province 1692-1780, 1703-1780

Massachusetts Bay Appendices

8. Supplement To the Public Statues 1882-1888, 1889-1895

Of Mass.

9. General Laws of Mass. 1921 Ch. 128-282

1921 Index

10. Mass. Public Documents 1879 (Nos. 10-16)

11. Agriculture of Mass. 1896, 1910-1912, 1914

Gill Selectboard 2023-09-25 Agenda with files (2023-09-22 at 5:46 PM)