Selectboard meeting

Monday, June 17, 5:30 pm
Gill Town Hall, 2nd Floor, 325 Main Road

Location: Town Hall, 2nd floor meeting room, 325 Main Road, Gill

5:30 PM Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)

6:30 PM Dangerous Dog Hearing for canine Rothgar licensed to Michael & Linda Chudzik of 32 Walnut St

Old Business

  • Review of Minutes: 8/29/22, 9/12/22, 10/11/22, 11/21/22, 12/5/22, 12/19/22, 1/30/23, 2/13, 2/27, 3/13, 3/28, 3/30, 4/10, 4/24, 5/8, 5/22, 6/5, 6/20, 7/3, 9/11, 9/25, 11/06, 11/27, 12/4, 1/2, 2/12, 2/26, 3/11, 3/25, 4/8, 4/22, 5/6, 5/21, 6/3

New Business

  • Request from John Miner, Highway Superintendent, to expand scope of Chapter 90 paving project on Center Road from 880 feet to 2,640 feet. Project will use “Fair Share” funding
  • Purchase Order approval – not to exceed $10,000 to McVac Environmental Services to clean out wet wall at sewer pump station (accumulation of grease; last cleaned in 2020)
  • Request from Personnel Committee to use “Job Description Questionnaire” for developing new job descriptions, starting with Treasurer
  • Partial release of Chapter 61B lien – requested by Douglas Grant for release of 0.019 acres at 176 West Gill Rd. Land to be released is part of the surveyed boundary of land to be sold with the existing house.
  • Annual Appointments for Fiscal Year 2025, effective July 1, 2024
  • Town Hall Fire Alarm Panel - recommend replacing at cost of approx. $6,100
  • BEAD Challenge - Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment - a federal funding program through National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) for internet infrastructure. Challenge Process is a crucial step to ensure the accuracy of internet availability data and maps for the Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI) to deploy funding to expand broadband access across the state. Challenge Process runs 6/20/24 – 7/20/24.
  • Other business as may arise after the agenda has been posted.
  • Public Service Announcements, if any
  • Warrants
    FY24 #25 Vendors ($53,299.43) & Payroll ($33,223.23) – reviewed & signed on 06/03/24
    FY24 #26 – review & sign


Other Invitations/Meetings:





Wed 6/19

Juneteenth holiday

Mon 7/1

5:30 PM

Selectboard meeting

Town Hall

Mon 7/15

5:30 PM

Selectboard meeting

Town Hall

Gill Selectboard 2024-06-17 Agenda with files (2024-06-14 at 4:48 PM)