Location: Town Hall, 2nd floor meeting room, 325 Main Road, Gill
5:30 PM Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)
Update on Compost Collection Program – Jan Ameen, FCSWMD and Vicky Jenkins, Gill’s rep to the FCSWMD
Update, if any on Fire Department Purchase Order - Pete’s Tire Barn, $1,018.36 for 6 all-season aggressive tread tires for new Brush Truck (state bid pricing, includes trade-in of existing tires)
New Business
Quintus Allen Fund request – Dr. Walter Huston, Principal of Gill Elementary. Request is for $4,900 to purchase pre-made structure for a Gaga ball pit for the playground. Includes rubber mat
Appointments – Adam Elie and Alexander Tirrell as firefighters through June 30, 2025, both contingent upon receipt of satisfactory results from a recent medical evaluation; Kyle MacLeay as a firefighter through June 30, 2025; Nona LaGrenade as Administrative Clerk
Digital Equity Open House – Wednesday, October 30th, 4-6 PM at the Slate Memorial Library
Drop-in format
Provide feedback on internet affordability, device access, digital literacy, internet security, etc
Feedback will be used to develop Gill’s Digital Equity Plan, which will be the basis for subsequent grant applications to the Mass Technology Collaborative for implementation funds
Request from Zoning Board of Appeals to update fee schedule
Review & sign Sewer Commitment #2025-002, $55,712.84, bill date of 10/17/24
Location of 11/4 Selectboard meeting to avoid interfering with setup for 11/5 Election Day
Other business as may arise after the agenda has been posted.
Public Service Announcements, if any
3 Thursdays at Slate Library – 10/17, 10/24, 11/7
Gill Rec Purple T-Shirt Fundraiser
Free COVID test kits available again by mail via COVIDtests.gov website