Gill Historical Commission @ RMB

Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 5:30 pm


Gill Historical Commission

Tuesday, Nov. 28th, 2017 – 5:30 p.m.

Riverside Municipal Building

1. Minutes: Oct. 4th & Oct. 17th, 2017

2. Treasurer’s Report

  1. Old and continuing business

  1. Riverside & Town Center Historic Districts

b. Collection: i) spiffing up; ii) recent acquisitions; c) Application for Roving

Archivist – remove this item from agenda?

c. Battlefield grant project

d. Cemetery project

e. * Riverside book project – selling books

f. Summit/Mobil Convenience Store

g. * Review of archaeological documents

h. * Open Space & Recreation Plan review – Sections 3/9

i. Turners Monument

  1. New Business

j. RMB fire code report

k. New grant research

l. Demolition Delay bylaw

  1. Other business (not anticipated at time of posting)

  1. Next meeting and adjournment: December 19th - 5:30 pm