Selectboard Meeting
Monday, January 22, 2018, 6:15 pm
Second Floor
6:15 PM Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)
Old Business
- Review of Minutes of 1/8/18
- Project Updates
- Sewer I&I Study
- Gill Elementary Well
- Mariamante Property & Community Solar
- Annual Reports
- French King Bridge Surveillance Cameras
- Town of Gill – 225th in 2018
- Event Updates
- Offer from Senator Rosenberg
- Fundraiser – Commemorative Bags
- Town Hall Basement Wetness Project - $35,000 approved in June 2015
- Community Compact – Mass Office on Disability grant award of up to $15,000 for ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan
New Business
- 2018 FRCOG Local Technical Assistance funding – ranking of projects to request for Gill
- Sewer Commitment - $24,241.28 for bill date of 1/23/18 (bills will include letter explaining new rate)
- Discussion of Appropriate Number of Police Cruisers for Gill
- Veterans’ District – letter re local options for veterans (tax work off, tax bill donations)
- *** Update on CDBG grabt for Housing Rehab loans
- ***May 21st Town Election notes from the Town Clerk
- Public Service Announcements, if any
- 225th Contra Dance – Friday, February 2nd
- 225th Puzzle Swap – Saturday, February 17th, 10AM-Noon @ Slate Mem. Library
- 225th Community Skate – Sun, February 18th & 25th, 4-6PM @ NMH McCollum Rink
- Other business as may arise after the agenda has been posted.
Warrants: FY18 # 16
Gill Selectboard 2018-01-22 Agenda (2018-01-19 at 4:49 PM)
Gill Selectboard 2018-01-22 Minutes (2018-02-09 at 11:52 AM)