Selectboard Meeting

Wednesday, April 25, 2018, 5:00 pm
Basement BOH Office

5:00 PM Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)

Executive Session: The purpose of the executive session is to discuss the discipline or dismissal of, or complaints or charges against, a public employee.

  • Take roll-call vote to enter executive session
  • Announce whether the meeting will reconvene in open session

Other business as may arise after the agenda has been posted.


Gill Selectboard 2018-04-25 Minutes (2018-09-13 at 3:13 PM)

Gill Selectboard 2018-04-25 Minutes with FinCom (2018-09-13 at 3:13 PM)