Selectboard Meeting (as part of GMRSD Civic Leaders group)

Wednesday, November 14, 2018, 6:30 pm until 8:30 pm
Montague Senior Center, 62 5th Street, Turners Falls

Location: Montague Senior Center, 62 5th Street, Turners Falls

(Meeting with other civic leaders of the Gill-Montague Regional School District)

6:30 pm Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)

Discussion with other civic leaders and the local legislative delegation – School District Fiscal Challenges and Solutions: Gill-Montague RSD Case Study

Topics include

  • Systemic fiscal challenges faced by GMRSD by looking at FY11-17 trends
  • Possible changes to the Chapter 70 cap, a mechanism which provides state aid to wealthier districts that do not qualify for it by means of the funding formula
  • How funding the Foundation Budget Review Commission’s recommendations would address substantial funding shortfalls at GMRSD
  • Proposal to add a low enrollment adjustment factor to the Foundation Budget calculation process
  • Summary of the district’s current efforts to adapt to the changing conditions in which it operates

8:30 pm Adjourn

Gill Selectboard 2018-11-14 Agenda (Civic Leaders) (2018-11-21 at 2:23 PM)