Selectboard Meeting
Monday, March 4, 2019, 5:30 pm
Gill Town Hall, 325 Main Road (2nd floor)
5:30 PM Call to Order (If the meeting is being videotaped, announce that fact. If remote participation will occur, announce member & reason, & need for roll call voting)
6:00 PM Public Hearing – application to operate a Class II Motor Vehicle license to buy, sell, exchange or assemble second hand motor vehicles or parts thereof on said premises. The application was filed by Robert Higgins, 64A French King Highway, Gill, MA. The applicant seeks to relocate an existing license from 64A French King Highway to 180 French King Highway, Gill, MA. The applicant also seeks to increase the number of vehicles for sale at any time from six (6) to ten (10), consistent with the ZBA Special Permit 2019-001.
Old Business
- Review of Minutes of 10/29, 11/15, 11/26, 12/10, 12/27, 1/7, 1/22, 1/30, 2/4, 2/19, 2/27
- Project Updates
- Sewer I&I Study
- Gill Elementary Well
- Mariamante Property & Community Solar
- Annual Reports
New Business
- Retirement of Treasurer/Tax Collector effective 2/20/19
- Announcement of 2/27 Appointments
- Peter Turban as Treasurer through 5/20/19 town election
- Thomas Hodak as Tax Collector through 5/18/20 town election
- Title Change of “Administrative Assistant” to “Town Administrator” and Placement on Wage Scale
- Turners Falls Schuetzen Verein Offer of Free Wood Chips for Highway Dept. Use
- Estimate from STN Laundry Systems for Firefighter Gear Washer & Dryer
- Appointment – Karissa Olson as a Junior Firefighter through 6/30/19
- Appointment – Anthony Zager to the Memorial Committee through 6/30/19
- Chapter 90 Project Request – additional $80,000 to South Cross Road project
- Public Service Announcements, if any
- Other business as may arise after the agenda has been posted.
Warrants: FY19 # 19
Gill Selectboard 2019-03-04 Agenda (2019-03-01 at 5:22 PM)