From the Town Clerk:
The Town census forms were put in the mail in early January as well as dog registration.
It is very important to keep the town census up to date to keep your voting status active. (If your voting status does become inactive you will need to bring your state ID and proof of residence to the polls in order to vote.) Check the information on the form sent to you, make any changes or additions, sign and either drop off in the drop box by the back door or put in the mail. It is also important to note that even if there are no changes you should sign the form and get it to the Town Hall.
Dog Registration forms were also included with the census forms. Please fill out the information asked on the paper, include a copy of your dog’s rabies vaccination, and payment. This can all be dropped off in the drop box, mailed, or brought into the Town Hall with your census form. The 2021 dog licenses are valid until March 31, 2022; after that there is a $10.00 per license late fee.
The Annual Town Election is scheduled for Monday, May 16, 2022. Positions on the May Ballot are:
Selectperson for a 3-year term
Assessor For a 3-year term
Cemetery Commission for a 3- year term
Library Trustee for a 3-year term
Treasurer for a 3-year term
Board of Health for a 3-year term
All positions have incumbents running except Board of Health, which is vacant, if you are interested in running for this position or any other position on the ballot, please contact the Town Clerk to obtain nomination papers. Last day to obtain Nomination papers is, Tuesday, March 22, 2022. Nomination papers must be returned to the Town Clerk's office with the proper number of signatures for certification by Monday, March 28, 2022.
Dates to keep in mind:
April 26, 2022—Last day to register to vote for the Annual Town Election
May 16, 2022—Annual Town Election
TBA--Annual Town Meeting
September 6, 2022—State Primary
November 1, 2022—State Election
Doreen Stevens
Town Clerk
Office hours: Monday 9AM to 4PM Wednesday 9AM to 3PM
Tuesday 9AM to 1PM Thursday 3PM-6PM
The Town Clerk is also available by appointment 413-863-8013