FCSWMD - Holding a Composting Made Easy Workshop
Gill, MA – The Gill Energy Commission and Franklin County Solid Waste Management District are teaming up to offer a free composting workshop on Saturday June 3rd from 10 am – 12 noon. The workshop will be held both indoors and outdoors at Gill Elementary School, 48 Boyle Road, Gill, MA.
This workshop is open to all Franklin County residents. Attendees are asked to register for the workshop by contacting Janet Masucci of the Gill Energy Commission at 413-863-8694 or jmasucci@msn.com.
This free workshop includes easy how-to instructions, tips for success, demonstrations of indoor worm bin composting and outdoor composting, local resources, educational handouts and yes/no guides, and information on how to participate in municipal or commercial composting.
Kitchen compost collection pails will be available to purchase for $5, as supplies last. Cash or check only.
Composting saves money and water, creates a valuable soil amendment, manages waste locally, and mitigates climate change.
The workshop will be led by Amy Donovan, Program Director at Franklin County Solid Waste Management District. The Solid Waste District manages recycling, composting, and hazardous waste programs for 21 member towns, including 17 municipal transfer stations. Over the past 16 years Ms. Donovan has set up dozens of classroom worm compost bins, started 25 school cafeteria compost programs, and started 15 compost programs at municipal programs transfer stations.
For more information, contact the District office at info@franklincountywastedistrict.org or 413-772-2438. MA Relay for the hearing impaired: 711 or 1-800-439-2370 (TTY/TDD). The District is an equal opportunity provider.